Get the best autonomic response testing.

The autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that humans do not consciously regulate. It is in charge of essential activities such as breathing, immunological function, detoxification, blood pressure, digestion, and hormone regulation. Autonomic response testing can assist in gaining access to the body's and brain's conscious, subconscious, and unconscious sections. We all carry a certain amount of "baggage" from our childhood or previous generations that may or may not be our fault, but it can indeed affect our lives, particularly our health. You may not be aware that unresolved conflict or trauma is responsible for 50% of chronic diseases.

Bring balance back to the body with biophoton healing.

Biophotons are photons, or bits of light, produced spontaneously by most living cells. According to research, your cells' mitochondria DNA creates the biophotons. They constitute 98 percent of all DNA molecules not employed for the genetic coding of behavior. The genome project referred to it as junk because they had no clue what to do with it. The function of these biophotons is far more essential than many people understand. It turns out that they may be in charge of practically every biochemical process that happens in your body, including the ability of your body to recover.

Free your body from heavy metal supplement

If you expose yourself to heavy metals, it can be harmful to the human body. Some foods and medications can aid in the removal of heavy metals from the body. The use of such drugs for this aim is a heavy metal detox. Trim levels of heavy metals, such as iron and zinc, are required for a healthy body. Heavy metals in high concentrations, on the other hand, can be hazardous to both the body and the environment. Heavy metal poisoning can impair organ function, including the brain, liver, and lungs. High quantities of heavy metals in the body can lower energy levels and alter blood composition—heavy metal detox intended to rid the body of excess heavy metals. Our detoxification services and detoxification treatments help you get rid of these harmful heavy metals. 

Clear your emotional trauma with the emotional repolarization technique

You can’t debate now that there is no relationship between physical and mental health. The patient can release emotional traumas or blocked emotion patterns with this one-of-a-kind therapy, allowing them to return to maximum health. You will have to go through a daily method and a tailored schedule to follow - we will do this every month.

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